CultureFIN was born out of frustration with the current recruitment system in which many people's potential is wasted on working in teams that do not match their strengths. Our cultural recruitment experts utilize years of engineering and psychology experience to identify talents and teams that best match each other for ultimate performance and long term relationships.
Jacob RichyOverall, fantastic! I'd recommend them to anyone looking to find terrific software building opportunity.”
Thomas BraidyThey definitely know their way around SV. As a result I had a really hard time choosing the startup I joined.
Richard BrooksI was able to share the excitement about the product we are working on here at Yahoo with couple of extreamly knowledgable candidates. Now, I am happy to report that one of them is now making waves at the company.
CultureFIN works with individuals and companies in the San Francisco Software Industry. Our cultural recruitment experts identify synergies that result in fantastic new and existing products. We can proudly say that our work has touched millions of people.
4100 Hopyard Rd
Pleasanton, CA